Category: LDS

  • Motorcycle Accident and Chaos (Part 2)

    Kaylyn was in charge of the charter school fundraiser. It raised more than ten thousand dollars, and afterward, she sent her children home with a friend so she could get the money in the bank. But she had barely laid out the money into piles on the floor to count

  • The Gladys Knight Conversion Story

    For several years people have wondered how Grammy Award winning solo artist, Gladys Knight, came to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Her fame as lead singer of Gladys Knight and the Pips has brought her millions of fans, many who are curious how the gospel singing

  • History Repeating Itself?

    Editor’s note:  An earlier version of this article ran yesterday in the Deseret News. You can see that op ed piece here: A Democrat president resigning, a vice president trying to secure the nomination, the possibility of a divisive, contested convention looming in Chicago, the likelihood of further polarization

  • Supporting a Spouse in Church Service

    My husband is serving as bishop/branch president for the third time.  The first time he was the bishop of a resident ward, the second time he was branch president of a YSA branch and he is currently the bishop of a Spanish-speaking ward that covers two stakes.  It has not