Category: LDS

  • Healing Ourselves Through Service to Others

    Shortly after my husband, John, and I arrived as Mission Leaders in the Santiago, Dominican Republic Mission, one of our missionaries let it be known that he was ready to go home.  He had just reached his one-year mark on his mission and insisted that since he had not done

  • Middle Initials and “Mormonism”

    To read more from Daniel, visit his blog: Sic Et Non.  Cover image: David O. McKay via Gospel Media Library.  Some have been commenting on Elder Patrick Kearon’s call to the Twelve despite his failure to use a middle initial.  Apparently, the use of middle initials is a unique and

  • The Cure for Spiritual Imposter Syndrome

    A new phrase has entered our conversations: Imposter Syndrome. “Imposter syndrome is a behavioral health phenomenon described as self-doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishments among high-achieving individuals. These individuals cannot internalize their success and subsequently experience pervasive feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, depression, and/or apprehension of being exposed as a fraud in their work, despite verifiable and objective evidence of their successfulness.” (National