Category: Catholic

  • Genocide and the Imago Dei

    For centuries since antiquity, many an intermediate Latin student’s experience with Latin prose began with the same sentence: “Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres” [Gaul as a whole is divided into three parts]. This matter-of-fact opening of Julius Caesar’s Commentarii de Bello Gallico, documenting his nearly-decade-long campaigns in Gaul

  • Signs of the Times: Origin and Meaning

    Varying events in the life of the Church—from the approach of the Synod on Synodality to the “Synodal Way” of the Church in Germany—have once more brought to light the importance of Vatican II’s teaching on the “signs of the times.” Since the Council, the phrase has become shorthand for

  • The Catholic Roots of African American Christianity

    In October 1991, workers in Lower Manhattan accidentally discovered a burial ground dating back to the seventeenth century that contained the intact remains of 419 Black people. They were taken to Howard University for anthropological examination and, in 2003, returned to Manhattan to be solemnly reburied in what is now

  • Papal Responses to the Emergence of the TLM Movement

    The Movement to Return to the Tridentine Liturgy Because of the rather chaotic manner in which the liturgical reform was implemented, and particularly because of deviations and irregularities perpetrated by some priests, the desire gradually grew among some priests and faithful to return to Tridentine Mass (often called the Traditional

  • Humanae Vitae and the Brave New World

    What will our future look like? For in discussing the topic of human sexuality, we are, bottom line, discussing the future. Because it concerns reproduction, sexuality is future oriented. Sexuality raises the question of the future because, at least up to now and for the time being, it is the