Category: Catholic

  • Seven Theses on Catholic Theology

    It is a fact that theologians and theology departments in Catholic institutions of higher education struggle to justify their existences before their colleagues and before the world. Many a genealogy has been written to trace the blame for our dire circumstances. What follows below is not another one. Instead, I

  • Iris Murdoch as a Source for Moral Theology

    Background: Iris Murdoch Iris Murdoch was an atheist and a Platonist moral philosopher who taught at Oxford from 1948-1963 before retiring to spend the rest of her life writing racy novels. At first glance, she seems an unlikely candidate to offer a fresh vision of moral theology to Catholic thinkers.

  • When the Fear of God Leaves a Society

    Blessed are those who fear the Lord! —Psalm 128 The fool hath said in his heart, “There is no God” (Psalm 14:1, 53:1). This Psalm passage is familiar to any reader of Anselm’s Proslogion. It is therefore associated very directly with the ontological argument for the existence of God and for

  • A Patristic Critique of Political Economy

    Eugene McCarraher writes in his The Enchantments of Mammon as if he has our harried last-minute Christmas shopping in mind: The grotesque ontology of scarcity and money, the tawdry humanism of acquisitiveness and conflict, the reduction of rationality to the mercenary principles of pecuniary reason—this ensemble of falsehoods that compromise the foundation