Tag: Time

  • Discernment in a Time of Deception

    Editor’s Note:  This is the next-to-last essay in Richard’s 18-article series on the insights and benefits of viewing the Restored Gospel through a familycentric lens.  Meridian is grateful for this illuminating perspective and for the many comments and responses from our readers. (to see all of the earlier articles in

  • December 29, 2024–The Gift of Time

    Catalyst Question When you think of words like “education” or “school,” what comes to mind? Witnessing a New Era Merry Christmas! Now, you might be thinking, “How was Jesus forn was just a few days ago, and now already he’s a 12-year-old?!” Rather than a mutant-like growth pattern, a la

  • September 21 | For Such a Time As This

    Today’s Reading: Read Esther 1-5 If you were the King or Queen for the day, what would you do? Take turns sharing with your family what your day would look like if you were chosen to be royalty!  Esther was one of God’s chosen people, the Israelites, who did not

  • Lent Is the Time of Conversion

    There comes a time when the Word, the Christian discourse, must be born from our own personal looking at Jesus Christ. It is, in fact, Jesus Christ the Word who is at the center of our Lenten meditation. If the theme of Advent was that of a global expectation, if

  • The Time is Now

    By Rob Renfroe — Over the last few months I have had the privilege of speaking to more than a dozen churches and conferences in six different states and once to brothers and sisters in Europe, the Middle East, and the Philippines via social media. What I enjoy most are

  • Music as a Key to Time in Proust and Augustine

    Always seeking after fulfillment, yet unable to truly reach outside of himself in any creative act, Swann in Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time is both a pathetic and a tragic character whose example leaves a deep impression on the narrator of the novel. Throughout the story of Swann’s

  • The God of Mercy in a Time of Plague

    Setting the Scene: Plague as Context and Text Julian of Norwich (1342-1429) is one of those remarkable medieval women mystics like Hildegaard of Bingen (1095-1179), Hadewijch of Antwerp (thirteenth century), Marguerite Porete (1250-1310), Angela of Foligno (1248-1309), and Catherine of Sienna (1347-1380), all instructors in the mystical life, speaking of and