Tag: About

  • What I Want to Teach Children About America

    In 1987 the United States celebrated the bicentennial of the signing of its Constitution, and I was teaching sixth grade.  I wanted to help my class value the significance of the moment and sense the importance of this world-changing document.  We memorized the preamble.  We reenacted the signing—complete with feathered

  • Why “Mainstream UMC” Is Wrong About Exit Paths

    Why “Mainstream UMC” Is Wrong About Exit Paths By Thomas Lambrecht In an article riddled with factual errors and distortions, Mainstream UMC (the “centrist” caucus in the UM Church) called for “an end to disaffiliations through paragraph 2553.” They maintain that enough local churches have disaffiliated, and it is time

  • Searching Out the Truth about the Mountain Meadows Massacre

    To read more from Daniel, visit his blog: Sic Et Non.  Cover image via ChurchofJesusChrist.org. On 11 September 1857, accompanied by a few Native Americans that they had recruited, a group of territorial militiamen in southern Utah—all of them Latter-day Saints—deliberately massacred a wagon train of emigrants who were traveling

  • 7 Persistent Myths About Henri de Lubac’s Theology

    From being a limited concern of Neo-Scholastics in the mid-twentieth century, the alleged heterodoxy of Henri de Lubac (1896–1991) and other ressourcement theologians has become a rallying cry of self-proclaimed traditionalists in the twenty-first. Despite his acceptance by the hierarchical Church, aspects of the French cardinal’s life and thought remain misunderstood

  • Is It Wrong to Have Questions About the Church?

    To read more from Larry, visit LDS365.  The section “Truth Will Make You Free” in the For the Strength of Youth guide explains that God wants us to always be learning and seeking truth. But when we have questions, how can we find answers? Having questions is not a sign of weakness

  • A Group Chat About Chat GPT-4

    Brett Robinson: Hello, world! The advent of ChatGPT (on its fourth iteration as of this week) and generative AI has introduced some vexing questions about the role of language in online environments. How do we know who’s “speaking?” A person or a machine? What do authorship and originality look like in