Sundays at All Hallows (Sunday, September 17, 2023) Is Now Online

Welcome to Sundays at All Hallows.

In J. K. Rowling’s fantasy novel, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the “deathly hallows” are three powerful magical objects. But “hallow” also has other meaning from the one used in Rowling’s novel. We find it used in the Lord’s Prayer, “…hallowed be thy name…,” we pray, “… holy is your name.”

In “All Hallows,” “hallow” is an old English way of saying “saint” or “holy one,” and refers to those who in the words of the apostle Peter have been called out of darkness into God’s marvelous light to proclaim God’s goodness. In other words, all who are followers of Jesus Christ.

We celebrate Halloween, the eve of the feast of All Hallows, or Hallowmas, on October 31st and the Feast of All Hallows on November 1st every year.

Readings: Genesis 50:15–21, Romans 14:1–12, and Matthew 18:21–35

Message: The Teachings of Jesus: Forgiveness


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May Sundays at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Anglicans Ablaze

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