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  • Psalm 112:1-10

    ​If you are receiving duplicate emails, please know our web techs are working on the issue. Clear your browser cache and/or go to to see the current day’s reading. Thank you for your patience. 1Praise the LORD! Happy are those who fear the LORD, who greatly delight in his

  • What Is Christian Coaching?

    What Is Christian Coaching? Christian coaching is a discipleship tool that helps people grow from where they are to where God wants them to be. Focus is on the present and future – looking at possibilities and reaching goals. At the heart of effective coaching is a shift in thinking

  • Curing Depressed Humans, Not Nervous Systems

    Amid the vicissitudes of the COVID-pandemic, another disease quietly spread through the American population: depression. A staggering 1 in 3 adults in the United States are now suffering from the affliction, a rapid elevation that shows no sign of reversal. Depression is a uniquely debilitating illness. While perhaps most readily

  • Delayed, Not Denied

    Many of us don’t like delays. They can feel inconvenient, irritating, sometimes senseless, and often, bothersome. We experience setbacks when we travel. We sometimes sit for hours delayed at airports. Other times, our vehicles crawl slowly forward in congested traffic, prolonging our hunger or rest. At times, we are deferred

  • Grant Update

    Hello Friends! I want to say a HUGE thank you to every person, congregation, and camp that has registered onto GrantMaker and started, even completed, their applications! With just a few weeks left, we currently have 20 applications that have been completed and submitted for review. Overall, the response has been

  • Philemon 1-25

    ​If you are receiving duplicate emails, please know our web techs are working on the issue. Clear your browser cache and/or go to to see the current day’s reading. Thank you for your patience. 1Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, To Philemon our dear friend