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  • Nine Agonizing Days

    It started with a headache—and I don’t get headaches. I had just returned from leading a tour in Israel and had a sinus infection, so I wondered if that was the cause. Yet anything that I could label a normal headache quickly escalated until, within a couple of hours, the

  • Africa Again the Stepchild?

    By Thomas Lambrecht — This week, 14 new bishops are being elected in the five jurisdictions of the United States. In a few weeks, three bishops will be elected in the Philippines and one bishop in Central and Southern Europe. All these newly elected bishops will be replacing bishops who

  • Acts 13:16-25

    ​16So Paul stood up and with a gesture began to speak: "You Israelites, and others who fear God, listen. 17The God of this people Israel chose our ancestors and made the people great during their stay in the land of Egypt, and with uplifted arm he led them out of

  • Sermon Notes | Episode 13 | David Hannah

    Subscribe Now    When God Seems Silent Sermon Notes | Episode 13 This episode features David Hannah, Campus and Teaching Pastor at The Church at Lockeland Springs. It’s officially Christmas season! On this episode, the show talks through some Christmas favorites and traditions. This month, all of our campuses have

  • Hell and the Coherence of Christian Hope

    Many are hesitant to accept the orthodox Christian doctrine on which it is possible for someone to abandon God and end up in hell forever. The reason for this resistance is obvious: if God could have a good reason for permitting such a bad thing to happen to anyone, it might

  • The Enduring Power of Covenants

    We sometimes incorrectly think of our covenants as fragile things that will break at the first sign of challenge or setback. But nothing could be further from the truth. Covenants are cords of iron that are stronger than the bonds of death itself. We must learn to trust in their