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  • Colorful Faith in a World of Chaos

    By Jessica LaGrone — My friend Ryanne is a colorful Christian. Her home is colorful. She often paints a wall or ceiling or the whole front porch on a whim, based on some color that has drawn her fancy. Her family is colorful. Her children’s skin colors are a glorious

  • December 11, 2022–Like Me, Like Christ

    Colleen Montgomery, Salem,VA Warm-up Questions Did you ever have toy like was like you? If so, how was it like you?  What toy would you be excited to buy a younger sibling, cousin, or neighbor for Christmas?  Like Me, Like Christ Shoppers across the country are buying toys for Christmas

  • Matthew 12:33-37

    ​36I tell you, on the day of judgment you will have to give an account for every careless word you utter; 37for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." Daily Bible Verse

  • Sermon Notes | Episode 14 | Aaron Bryant

    Subscribe Now    How Can I Find Peace? Sermon Notes | Episode 14 Welcome back to Sermon Notes, a podcast that dives deeper into the sermons of each of our campus pastors. In this episode, we’re joined by Aaron Bryant from the Church at Avenue South. We’ll start off with

  • What Is It Like to Be a Soccer Ball?

    Soccer is a game of movement, shape, and form which is neither objective in any naturalistic sense that could be explained away through the procedures of empirical science, nor is it merely subjective. So, if we need to de-subjectify soccer, then, in equal measure, we also need to de-objectify it

  • The Drama of Being a Self

    Act I: The Lonely Question For Hans Urs von Balthasar, there is no question as important or as lonely as, “Who am I?” It is important because—and this will seem strange at first—it is impossible to answer. Impossible, at least, using all the things and meanings and people around us.