Recent Posts

  • George Washington’s Constitutional Leadership

    Historically literate Americans to identify James Madison as “the father of the Constitution.” Not so. Much as I admire Madison, the real father of the Constitution—the man without whom it could never have been framed, ratified, or implemented—was George Washington. Washington saw the need for a strong, national constitution before

  • Contrasting Views of Scripture

    Contrasting Views of Scripture By Thomas Lambrecht The essence of the conflict currently roiling The United Methodist Church is a disagreement over the teaching and authority of Scripture. This disagreement is manifested in the church’s attitude toward same-sex romantic relationships. But the reason that traditionalists are unwilling to compromise on

  • Volunteering in the Bayou— volunteer applications extended

    The deadline for Gathering Volunteer Corps (GVC) applications has been extended to November 1.  The Gathering Volunteer Corps serves in multiple capacities throughout the Gathering. Duties might include ushering and assisting during Mass Gathering, helping with Interactive Learning activities, directing foot traffic in the convention center, staffing the info booth

  • Alasdair MacIntyre’s Service to Theology

    The latter half of the twentieth century saw fresh interest in Aristotelian ethics. One aspect of this renewal is hope for reform not only within the field of moral philosophy but for academic inquiry in general and for the wider culture. This has been a central hope of Alasdair MacIntyre,

  • The Quest of the Absolute: What Was and What Is Romanticism?

    Because of the overwhelming variety of form and content in a multiplicity of artistic, poetic, religious, and philosophical expressions, often conflicting with one another, some scholars have concluded that it is vain to search for a definition of Romanticism. Nevertheless, despite their irreducible differences, all Romantics shared an awareness of

  • Divisions in Africa

    Divisions in Africa By Thomas Lambrecht Recent meetings have clarified a developing divide in Africa between some bishops and other leaders who want to remain in The United Methodist Church and other leaders who are seeing the need to disaffiliate. The question will be: which group is more in sync