Recent Posts

  • The Problem(s) of the Supernatural

    I should begin with explaining how, following Bernard Lonergan, I distinguish the medieval from the modern ideals of science. There are two elements at work in the controversy over the supernatural, one “medieval” and the other “modern.” The first, predominating element is metaphysical, concerned with ends, natures, powers, and orders.

  • What is Your Wayward Child Worth to God?

    Editor’s Note: Our friend and longtime Meridian writer Larry Barkdull passed away. To remember and honor him this is one of a series of his past articles that we are republishing regularly. If the scriptures teach us anything, they teach us that Israel’s God will not let Israel go,[i] despite her

  • Africans Disenfranchised at General Confernce

    Good News is attending the 2024 General Conference of The United Methodist Church meeting in Charlotte, NC, from April 23 to May 3. Our efforts are focused on providing a disaffiliation pathway for annual conferences and local churches that have not had a fair opportunity to discern their future. This

  • April Update: Advocacy Connections

    from the ELCA advocacy office in Washington, D.C. – the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, Senior Director Partial expanded content from Advocacy Connections: April 2024 HUNGER IN THE FARM BILL | PARTICULATE MATTER EMISSIONS STANDARDS | PEPFAR EXTENDED FOR JUST ONE YEAR | CALLS FOR BILATERAL CEASEFIRE INCREASE | APPROPRIATIONS BILL

  • April 29 | God’s Covenant with David

    Today’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 7; I Chronicles 17; Psalm 127:1; Psalm 1 Grab some Legos or Lincoln Logs.  Work together to build a house.  Ask, “Did you know that “make a house” can have more than one meaning?  What else do you think it could mean? In our reading

  • Research and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition

    The “Catholic Intellectual Tradition” is a concept often invoked to help characterize the warrant for a conversation staged between the sciences and the humanities, where the latter include philosophy and, of course, theology—even if theology is not strictly speaking a discipline of the humanities but a sacred science, a “sacra