Recent Posts

  • How Love Differs from Charity

    There are all kinds of definitions of the word love. The challenge is to make sure we are communicating accurately when we use the word.  In our culture we use the word “love” most often when we are pleased with someone or something.  We might say “I loved this book,”

  • Devotional: Differences Need Not Divide

    By Jake Summerville, Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota [About the Author] In a time as tense and divided as ours, ideas like a united church working together toward a common good feel more and more idealistic. Our neighbors are hurting, yet barbs of hatred and division wound. How can we expect

  • The Legacy of Prayer at Brentwood Baptist

     The Legacy of Prayer at Brentwood Baptist In this episode of the Sermon Notes podcast, host Jay Strother sits down with guests Gayle Haywood and Janet Waters to explore the profound impact of prayer in the life of Brentwood Baptist Church during their 40 days of prayer emphasis. Gayle

  • Research at a Catholic University

    John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation Ex Corde Ecclesiae, in this its thirty-fifth anniversary year, remains the most thorough and most sophisticated reflection on the Catholic university in the literature of the teaching authority of the Church (the “magisterium”). In celebration of that anniversary, I would like to quote the opening

  • The Screwtape “Text Messages” #2: Escape from Reality

    AUTHOR’S NOTE: The classic 1942 Screwtape Letters book by C.S. Lewis was the product of a different age and Lewis’ unique religious perspective. The Screwtape “Text Messages” uses the same literary approach of an arch demon instructing his apprentice.  But they also consider the mind-bending consequences of how artificial intelligence

  • Diverse Gifts and Divine Love

    by Deacon Erin Brown – Lutheran Office for World Community [About the Author]   Being a part of the advocacy team at the Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC) has given me the opportunity to meet amazing advocates from the communion of churches that form part of the Lutheran World

  • Day 39 | Way, Truth, and Life

    Scripture: John 14:6 Devotion Have you been burdened by the lost around you? Have you been burdened for those unreached people groups around the world? As followers of Christ, we are called to share the love of Christ with the lost around us and around the world. Jesus’ words in