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  • February 13, 2022 – Burned Out

    Colleen Montgomery, Salem, VA Warm-up Question How would you define the feeling of burnout? Have you or someone you know experienced burnout?  Burned Out Americans across the country are resigning from their jobs in mass numbers. Though you may not be in the working world yet, chances are that you

  • Community ministry grows hope

    Editor’s note: Scott Seeke is pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Livonia, Mich., where Dennis Walker is a member. The congregation has supported the Micah 6 Community with volunteers and donations since 2019.  Dylan Pyeatt and Coleman Yoakum stood with their real estate agent on the front porch of a duplex at 32 Newberry St.

  • The Surprising Latter-day Saint Connections in Hawaii

    Cover image: Queen Liliuokalani. To read more from Daniel, visit his blog: Sic Et Non. Understandably, for most tourists visiting Hawaii, its beaches, palm trees, gentle tropical breezes, romantic music, and beautiful sunsets that draw them.  “The loveliest fleet of islands that lies anchored in any ocean,” Mark Twain called

  • Moed Katan 28

    It’s probably a given that most of us would like to avoid death — not only because we enjoy life, but because we worry that dying itself will be painful. The rabbis worried about that too. On today’s daf we read two descriptions of what death might feel like, and

  • Charismatic Thomism and Jubilant Embodiment

    Aquinas’s understanding of the human body is still often characterized and dismissed as denigrating toward the flesh and as overly beholden to what may be called an “ethic of control.” As one recent critic has recently phrased it: “the body [for Aquinas] exists passively as a dead instrument.”[1] At first

  • OMNIA: Striving Towards Beloved Community

    By Dr. Shanta Premawardhana  More than 50 years ago, Dr. Mary Nelson (founder of Bethel New Life in the westside of Chicago) marched with Dr. Martin Luther King and gospel singer Mahalia Jackson in Chicago. For several decades, Dr. Nelson was a faculty member of OMNIA Institute’s predecessor organization SCUPE