Recent Posts

  • John Wesley’s 22 Questions

    While doing a Google search on “John Wesley discipleship,” I came across the 22 questions that the members of the Holy Club asked themselves in their daily personal devotions. The methodical way that the members of the Holy Club practiced godliness and pursued holiness earned them the derisive epithet, “Methodists.”

  • Prayer ventures: Jan. 30

    Every day, Living Lutheran offers a prayer from the ELCA resource Prayer ventures, which can be downloaded here. These daily petitions are offered as a guide for your own prayer life as together we pray for the needs of the world and give thanks for the ministries of our church. Sunday,

  • Moed Katan 19

    The mishnah at the bottom of yesterday’s daf listed a number of texts that one is forbidden to write on hol hamoed: Torah scrolls, tefillin andmezuzahs. The presumption is that whoever is writing these texts is doing so in order to sell them, and we’ve seen already that commerce is

  • St. Thomas Aquinas and the Fittingness of the Democratic Order

    One of the great political fights in medieval Christendom affected St. Thomas Aquinas’s own studies as a youngster. A fortuitous military conflict between Emperor Frederick II and Pope Gregory IX spilling into the abbey of Monte Cassino, where Aquinas was doing his elementary studies, led to his parents sending him