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  • Psalm 20

    ​7Some take pride in chariots, and some in horses, but our pride is in the name of the LORD our God. 8They will collapse and fall, but we shall rise and stand upright. 9Give victory to the king, O LORD; answer us when we call. Daily Bible Verse

  • One Does Not Simply Read the Bible

    Although not the first teaching document of his pontificate, Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium sets forth his programmatic vision for the Church’s mission in its present moment.[1] The pope teaches here that the Church should have a strong missionary character and concern for evangelization. For Francis, these aspects find

  • Isaiah 43:8-15

    ​8Bring forth the people who are blind, yet have eyes, who are deaf, yet have ears! 9Let all the nations gather together, and let the peoples assemble. Who among them declared this, and foretold to us the former things? Daily Bible Verse