Recent Posts

  • Adapting to the New Climate Needs Stewarding

    By Ruth Ivory-Moore, ELCA Program Director for Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility As Lutherans, we recognize our role as stewards of creation, called to care for the earth as God cares for the earth.* We are passionate about creation care and are aware of impacts climate change is having in

  • Prayer ventures: March 2

    Every day, Living Lutheran offers a prayer from the ELCA resource Prayer ventures, which can be downloaded here. These daily petitions are offered as a guide for your own prayer life as together we pray for the needs of the world and give thanks for the ministries of our church. Wednesday,

  • What Is Babi Yar?

    Babi Yar (sometimes spelled Babyn Yar) is a ravine in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv where tens of thousands of Jews were shot and killed by Nazi forces in a matter of days in September, 1941. The Babi Yar massacre is considered one of the largest massacres perpetrated during the

  • Saturday Lagniappe: ‘Feed My Sheep’ and More

    Feed My Sheep Emanuel Cleaver examines what is means to take care of Jesus’ sheep. What Does a Committed Church Member Look Like?Thabiti Anyabwile describes 8 ways committed membership expresses itself. Two Things God Does When You Put Him SecondWe put God second in our lives more often than we

  • February Update: Advocacy Connections

    from the ELCA advocacy office in Washington, D.C. – the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, Senior Director Partial expanded content from Advocacy Connections: February 2022 2022 ELCA FEDERAL POLICY PRIORITIES  |  HOUSING IN FEDERAL BUDGET  |  AFGHAN REFUGEE ADVOCACY   |  FOREIGN ASSISTANCE  |  HOLY LAND CHURCH LEADERS’ CONCERN   2022 ELCA

  • Prayer ventures: Feb. 27

    Every day, Living Lutheran offers a prayer from the ELCA resource Prayer ventures, which can be downloaded here. These daily petitions are offered as a guide for your own prayer life as together we pray for the needs of the world and give thanks for the ministries of our church. Sunday,