Recent Posts

  • The Best Vegan Hamantaschen Recipe

    There are so many parts of Purim that make it one of the best holidays to celebrate: parties, dressing like royalty, flowing drinks and, of course, hamantaschen. There are countless children’s songs about eating hamantaschen and all the fun fillings you can add. But for the vegans of the world,

  • What Lies Beyond the Buzzword Bingo Surrounding the Synod on Synodality

    This past January, in a widely-commented on tweet, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops posted an image highlighting “Seven Attitudes for Walking the Synodal Path,” including “Innovative Outlook,” “Inclusivity,” “Open-Mindedness,” “Listening,” “Accompaniment,” “Co-Responsibility,” and “Dialogue.” More than a few people on Twitter slammed the tweet as promoting “buzzwords,” and the negative

  • Kindness, Empathy, and the Christian Life

    For Christians kindness is an important way that we express our love of others and in doing so express our love of God and show ourselves to be God’s children. When we show kindness and empathy in the presence of our children, they learn to be kind. I am posting

  • RootsTech Celebrates Connection at the World Expo in Dubai

    The following is excerpted from the Church Newsroom. To read the full article, CLICK HERE. FamilySearch International, a global nonprofit and the world’s largest family history organization, launched RootsTech 2022 at the World Expo in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on March 3-5, 2022. Guests were invited from across the Middle East to

  • Ali Sheqer Pashkaj

    Ali Sheqer Pashkaj was a shopkeeper in Puke, a small town in the mountains of northern Albania, when the Germans invaded the country in 1943. Shortly thereafter, a German truck rolled into town carrying 19 Albanian prisoners, one of whom was a Jew the Nazis intended to kill: Yehoshua Baruchowic,

  • Angry Christians Do Not Make Loving Disciples

    In today’s reading from his Letter to the Ephesians (Ephesians 4: 17-32) the apostle Paul warns the church at Ephesus and us about danger of letting our feelings control our thoughts and actions and causing us to say and do things that hurt others. Paul quotes the first half of