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  • Biopower’s Scapegoating of the Female Body

    Introduction to Biopower and Biopolitics In 1976 cultural theorist Michel Foucault argued that a fundamental shift in power happened around the end of the eighteenth century.[1] For most of modernity, power was located in a sovereign, who had control over death and allowed everyone else to live. But by the

  • Papal Condemnation of the Doctrine of Discovery

    Pope Francis’s recent pilgrimage of penance to the First Nations of Canada has renewed calls in some quarters for him to formally revoke or rescind the “doctrine of discovery.”[1] This has left a lot of Christians, theologians among them, asking, “what is this ‘doctrine of discovery’ and why have I never

  • “Throw a Cloak of Charity over My Imperfections”

    Charity is exemplified when we seek forgiveness, offer hope, and extend thoughtful counsel. After Wilford Woodruff was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, his greatest desire was to have his family accept the gospel. He diligently corresponded with them and often included his testimony

  • 2 Chronicles 12:1-12

    ​11Whenever the king went into the house of the LORD, the guard would come along bearing them, and would then bring them back to the guardroom. 12Because he humbled himself the wrath of the LORD turned from him, so as not to destroy them completely; moreover, conditions were good in

  • The Prophets’ Descriptions of Faith

    Before he died, Larry Barkdull had written a substantial part of an unfinished manuscript about the extraordinary power of faith,  particularly as a power that causes things to happen. This is faith on a higher level than we usually practice and understand it. With the permission of his wife, Buffie, Meridian