Day 29 | Uniquely Called Part Two

Scripture: Ephesians 1:4-6


Imagine receiving an invitation to the most exclusive event in history—one planned before time began. That’s exactly what Paul describes in Ephesians 1. But this isn’t just any invitation; it’s an adoption certificate with your name written on it “before the foundation of the world.”

The truth here isn’t just that God chose us, but why He chose us: “to be holy and blameless in love before him.” This isn’t about earning His love through perfect behavior. Instead, He chose us, knowing every mistake we would make, every struggle we would face, and every doubt we would wrestle with—and He still said “yes” to a relationship with us.

Think about the phrase “according to the good pleasure of his will.” God didn’t adopt you out of obligation or duty. He didn’t choose you because He had to. He chose you because He wanted to. Your salvation and redemption delights His heart.

In a world that often bases acceptance on performance, this truth changes everything. You don’t have to prove your worth or earn your place. Before you took your first breath, God had already lavished His grace upon you in Christ.

When you truly grasp this security in God’s choosing love, it transforms how you serve Him. You’re no longer serving to earn His approval—you already have it. You’re no longer using your gifts to prove your worth—He’s already declared your value. Instead, you’re free to serve simply because it brings joy to the Father’s heart. Your calling isn’t a burden to bear but an opportunity to delight the One who delighted in choosing you. This security frees you to step out boldly with your gifts, knowing that your identity rests not in what you do for God, but in what He’s already done for you.

A Personal Prayer

  • Thank God that your relationship with Him is not based on what you can offer, but on His boundless love. Ask Him to help you rest in the security of being chosen and loved and pray that this truth would transform the way you live and love others today.

Pray for Our Community: Path United

  • Path United is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring and equipping children in mobile home communities to become flourishing adults. Operating community centers within these neighborhoods, Path United provides academic, social, and emotional support through Christ-centered relationships and programs, empowering children to break cycles of poverty and thrive.
  • Pray for the children served by Path United, that they would feel loved, supported, and encouraged as they grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
  • Ask God to strengthen Jim and Melinda Hollandsworth, their staff, and volunteers with wisdom, patience, and compassion as they invest in young lives.
  • Pray that Path United’s community centers would be safe, welcoming spaces filled with God’s presence, offering hope and growth for each child and family.

Prayer for the Nations: Global Workers, Steve & Joy

  • Steve and Joy are based at the University of Nations in Kona, Hawaii, where they train, prepare, and send out individuals to plant the gospel in Korea and beyond. They lead a flagship school for Korean/English speakers, focusing on training 18–35-year-olds to fulfill the Great Commission, while also serving in the youth ministry of their local church.
  • Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom as they train students to effectively share the gospel and fulfill the Great Commission in Korea and beyond.
  • Ask the Lord to strengthen their family relationships, providing support and encouragement as they balance ministry and family life.

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