Category: Baptist

  • May 29 | Make Wise Choices

    Today’s Reading: Read Proverbs 6:6-23; Proverbs 7:1-3; Proverbs 8 Imagine crossing a road without looking first to see if there were any cars coming.  Would that be a wise choice or not?  Most definitely not wise (or safe!)!  In our reading today, we are reminded the importance of making wise

  • May 24 | Solomon Asks for Wisdom

    Today’s Reading: Read Psalm I Kings 3:4-14; II Chronicles 1:7-12; Psalm 72 If you could ask God for anything at all, what would you ask for?  A room full of ice cream?  All the money in the world?  It’s kind of silly to think about that, isn’t it?  Solomon had

  • May 9 | David TRUSTED

    Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 26, Psalm 40, Psalm 61; Psalm 62:1 We have read a lot about David’s struggles, haven’t we?  Can you remember some of the bad things that have happened to David?  Take a minute and talk about what you remember with your family.  If you had to

  • May 4 | David’s Testimony

    Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 32 Have you ever had good news that you couldn’t wait to tell someone else?  What was it? (Give a chance to share) Maybe a new brother or sister was going to be born?  Or maybe you found out you were going to Disney World and

  • April 29 | God’s Covenant with David

    Today’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 7; I Chronicles 17; Psalm 127:1; Psalm 1 Grab some Legos or Lincoln Logs.  Work together to build a house.  Ask, “Did you know that “make a house” can have more than one meaning?  What else do you think it could mean? In our reading

  • April 24 | TOGETHER

    Today’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 5:1-10; I Chronicles 11:3; I Chronicles 12:38-40; Psalm 133 It was finally time!  ALL of Israel decided it was time to anoint David as King.  David became the King of Israel.  The Israelites said, “The Lord also said to you, ‘You will shepherd my people,