Category: Baptist

  • August 17 | Jerusalem Falls!

    Today’s Reading: Read Jeremiah 39:1-5; Psalm 74; Psalm 79 Parents, start off today’s time by asking your kids a question that you already know the answer to. (For instance, “What is 2+2?”) Have you ever asked a question that you already know the answer to? Sometimes we ask those questions

  • August 7 | Sad News

    Today’s Reading: Read Jeremiah 1; 2:1-19, 28, 37; 3:11-18; 4:1-2 Let’s have some fun with crafts today! Grab a paper plate and draw a happy face on one side and a sad face on the reverse side. Parents, give your kids some scenarios where they have to determine if what

  • July 28 | Week 30 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

    GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Isaiah’s message to the people of Israel was filled with promises of a coming Messiah.  Spend some time today researching the timing of when Isaiah was written.  (Hint- it was over 700 years BEFORE Jesus was born.). The Israelites had to wait a long time for the

  • July 18 | God wants to help us!

    Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 28:23-29; Isaiah 30:18-26 You’ll need a blindfold for today’s reading.  Choose a family member to blindfold.  Give the blindfolded family member verbal instructions that will move them from one point to another – safely!  One person in the family should be giving the right instructions.  Have

  • July 13 | Prophecy of What’s to Come

    Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 13:1-14, 19-22; 14:1-8, 12-19, 22; 24-27,28-31; 15:1,8,9; 16:4-5,13; 17:1-14 In our family, we often don’t watch the news because there is seldom any good news!  A news report tells us about something that has happened.  Imagine Isaiah is giving a news report for the nations of