Category: Baptist

  • September 26 | Rebuilding

    Today’s Reading: Read Nehemiah 1-4 Grab some Lincoln Logs or your favorite set of blocks and work together as a family to build a walled city. After you build it, choose someone to destroy it. Work together to build back the wall that was destroyed.  Remember, work together as a

  • September 21 | For Such a Time As This

    Today’s Reading: Read Esther 1-5 If you were the King or Queen for the day, what would you do? Take turns sharing with your family what your day would look like if you were chosen to be royalty!  Esther was one of God’s chosen people, the Israelites, who did not

  • September 16 | Returning to Jerusalem

    Today’s Reading: Read II Chronicles 36:22-23; Ezra 1-3 Often people say that something they are waiting for is “worth the wait.”  What is the longest you have ever waited for something? I love going to amusement parks. I do not love waiting in the long lines for rides! I love

  • September 11 | Do the Right Thing

    Today’s Reading: Read Daniel 1-3 Let’s build something today! First, grab a sheet of paper and a pencil. Draw out exactly what you might want to build. Second, make a list of the steps you would need to take to build what you have drawn. What supplies do you need?

  • September 6 | God is the Good Shepherd

    Today’s Reading: Read Ezekiel 34:1-20, 25-31 Do you know what a shepherd’s job is? What responsibilities does a shepherd have? A shepherd keeps his sheep safe. He leads and guides his sheep to pastures where there is food and water for them. A shepherd keeps his flock together. When one

  • August 22 | God is Faithful

    Today’s Reading: Read Jeremiah 45; 46:1-9, 13-19, 27-28; Jeremiah 47; Jeremiah 48:1-3 Spend some time as a family talking about what it means to say, “God is faithful.” Look up the word “faithfulness” in a dictionary. What are some ways we have learned that God was faithful to His people?