Category: Baptist

  • November 25 | Paul Glorified God with His Life!

    Today’s Reading: Read I Corinthians 9:17-27; 10;23-33; 11:23-34 What do you know about a missionary? Spend some time talking about what missionaries do. Brainstorm a list of what you think a missionary’s job is. What did you include on the list? A missionary is someone who is on a mission

  • November 20 | Paul Comforts the Thessalonians

    Today’s Reading: Read 2 Thessalonians Let’s talk about fear. What’s something that frightens you? Allow your family to discuss things that they might be afraid of. Spend some time talking about why things scare us. Sometimes if we can unpack the “why” of a situation, it helps us to not

  • November 15 | The Fruit of the Spirit

    Today’s Reading: Read Galatians 4-6 Pop quiz! If you plant an apple seed, what will grow? An orange tree or an apple tree? What kind of fruit would you expect to see on that tree? Bananas, peaches or apples? In fact if you plant an apple seed, an apple tree

  • November 5 | Pilate’s Decision

    Today’s Reading: Read Matthew 27:1-31; Mark 15:1-20; Luke 23:1-25; John 18:28-19:16 Have you ever been blamed for something that you did not do? Parents, if you can, share about a time when you have been held responsible for something that you weren’t responsible for. How did you respond? Ask your

  • October 21 | Jesus Knew His Audience

    Today’s Reading: Read John 7-9 How well do you know each member of your family? Challenge each person to write down their favorite ice cream flavor and not to say out loud what they wrote down.  Give each family member an opportunity to guess the other person’s favorites. Were you