Category: Baptist

  • Day 24 | Worthy of it All

    Scripture: Mark 14: 1-10 Devotion Nothing is more valuable than Jesus, and no offering is too great to be given to Him. In Mark 14, Mary, Lazarus’ sister, shows this truth uniquely. She sits at Jesus’ feet and worships Him with an expensive jar of perfume. The perfume she pours out

  • Day 19 | To Every Corner of the Earth

    Scripture: Psalm 22:27 Devotion Psalm 22 is an epic chapter of prophecy, describing in great detail the events of the cross hundreds of years before Jesus walked the earth. It outlines the gospel and reveals God’s intricate plan to save the whole world. But as the chapter comes to a

  • Genesis 4, Matthew 4, Ezra 4, Acts 4

    Genesis 4 CAIN MURDERS ABEL The man was intimate with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain. She said, “I have had a male child with the Lord’s help.” 2 She also gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel became a shepherd of flocks, but

  • December 25 | The Gift of Salvation

    Today’s Reading: Read Revelation 7:1-17 Christmas is here! Were you successful? Did you find the perfect gift? Spend some time today celebrating the gift of salvation that is possible for us because of what we celebrate on Christmas morning!  Christmas is absolutely about gifts but the thing to remember is