Wednesday’s Catch: ‘The Shift in Churches Caused by 9/11’ And More

The Shift in Churches Caused by 9/11
The events of September 11, 2001 marked a profound and sad moment in American history, influencing almost every aspect of society in the short term. The immediate aftermath saw a noticeable increase in religious observance, but the long-term impact on churches and religious communities was less pronounced.

“Remembering 9/11: Leadership During a Disaster” featuring Terry Bradfield
How can we lead in times of disaster? As we remember 9/11, Terry Bradfield, a retired Army chaplain who was assigned to the Pentagon on that fateful day, joins Lewis Center Director Doug Powe for a conversation about leading faithfully during a disaster. He reminds church leaders to check their doctrine at the door, focus on the sacredness of humanity, and bring a connection to the divine.

The angel in the rubble on 9/11
As we mark the 23rd anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks that shocked the world and changed the coursbe of history, there are many stories of courage, faith and hope that bring light out of the darkness. One extraordinary survival story features what many believe to be an angel, and a dramatic conversion to Christ while holding on to life after being buried beneath the ruins of the North Tower

ACNA Priest Elected Bishop in Madagascar
The Ven. Darrell Critch, a priest of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), was elected August 24 as Bishop of Mahajanga, Madagascar, a diocese of the Church in the Province of the Indian Ocean. Critch’s new diocese is part of an Anglican church in communion with the See of Canterbury, unlike the ACNA. This will likely make his ministry the first of its kind amid deep division across the Communion.

As Trump praises Orbán, new polling data show who supports authoritarian rule in America
Among all Americans, Republicans and white evangelical Protestants are most susceptible to authoritarian views, according to new national polling from Public Religion Research Institute. Among that group, those most susceptible to authoritarianism are Americans who hold favorable views of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, PRRI said in its Sept. 10 report.

In election year, climate faith leaders urge voters to make environment a priority
Polls show voters are concerned with other issues, such as inflation and immigration. But the environment continues to be a top concern for many voters, especially younger ones, and the issue crosses lines of faith and politics in ways that others don’t.

Why You May Be Losing Church Attendees Due to Life Changes
For some, the life changes they experience impact their church attendance habits. What is the church’s role in these member’s lives?

Neuroscience Says That Your Brain Dismisses Outgroup Members Within a Fraction of a Second
A problematic response that is hardwired into how the brain categorizes social groups. Humans have a deep-seated tendency to categorize others into “us” and “them,” a process that occurs within fractions of a second.

This finding helps to explain why tribalism in various forms infects churches in the United States, is a serious obstacle to professing Christians putting into practice Jesus’ teachings, and has even resulted in Jesus’ teachings being dismissed as too liberal or too progressive.

. Is a Simplified Leadership Structure Right for Your Church?
Many churches are adopting a unified board structure to minimize layers of committee work and free time for hands on ministry. Ann Michel of the Lewis Center staff outlines factors a church should consider in evaluating whether this approach fits their needs and circumstances.

A Plentiful Harvest
Tom Berlin explains why fruitfulness in terms of membership, discipleship, and growth are key measures of leadership effectiveness.

More Than Words and Effort
According to Joe McKeever, preachers and teachers are tasked with doing something very much like what a police artist does. They have a mental image of some event, some truth, some lesson, some reality which they want to transfer into the brains and hearts of the hearers. To do this, they employ several tools….

Pray with the Trinity
Prayer with a controlling, cajoling attitude is out of sync with God.

How a Pastor Can Feed the Flock Every Day on Social Media
Thanks to modern technology, you can teach your people every day – without them having to physically gather. However, it will require a shift in how you distribute your preaching and teaching.

Adding New People to Existing Groups: What you need to know to be successful
There are several reasons you might add new people into existing groups. Here are a few to consider.
Anglicans Ablaze

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