Wednesday’s Catch: ‘Why Churches Are Not Inherently Safe Places’ And More
Why Churches Are Not Inherently Safe Places
It’s understandable why people would think, “This place is full of Christians. It must be one of the safest places in my community.” But churches are not inherently safe. Quite the opposite. Churches have a target on them! You are a spiritual target for the powers of darkness. Sam Rainer and Matt McCraw discuss some key issues involving church safety.
4 Aspects of Developing Key Leaders
Churches should be run by teams of volunteers—those committed to work together for the cause of Christ, serving one another and the world, because they have been gifted and called to do so. Yet, this is an ongoing struggle for many churches. Perhaps it is an ongoing struggle for EVERY church.
Lamenting the decline in literacy? The church can help
Reading is an area in which the church historically has led the culture and is called to do so again.
Top Leading Ideas Articles of 2024
Please share these articles with your colleagues, congregations, and friends.
A Lay Preacher’s Guide: How to Craft a Faithful Sermon (Working Preacher, 4)
In A Lay Preacher’s Guide: How to Craft a Faithful Sermon, Karoline M. Lewis provides lay preachers with an essential and accessible guide to the basics of Sunday morning preaching.
Delivering the Sermon
When it comes to the art of delivering sermons, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. But Matt Smethurst and (especially) Ligon Duncan have learned helpful lessons over the years. In this episode of The Everyday Pastor, Matt and Ligon offer practical tips to help pastors reflect on and improve their sermon delivery.
16 Advent Sermon And Worship Resources
Advent is a season of watching and waiting on our Lord Jesus. Here are 16 powerful Advent sermon and worship resources for your church.
You’re Exactly As Holy As You Want To Be
Even the most trying and difficult people cannot cause us to sin, even if they provide rich opportunities to do so.
Praying for Missionaries With Confidence
Praying for missionaries is an important missionary tool, and we make a grave mistake when we neglect it. Here are some ways to begin praying.
Anglicans Ablaze