Tag: Wisdom

  • May 24 | Solomon Asks for Wisdom

    Today’s Reading: Read Psalm I Kings 3:4-14; II Chronicles 1:7-12; Psalm 72 If you could ask God for anything at all, what would you ask for?  A room full of ice cream?  All the money in the world?  It’s kind of silly to think about that, isn’t it?  Solomon had

  • Death, Sex, and the Journey to Find Wisdom

    The Theology of John Dunne, CSC The work of University of Notre Dame’s Fr. John Dunne, CSC has operated as an oppositional springboard for some theologians over the years in the backdrop of contemporary theological interest in desire and its divine circulations. In Theology on the Way to Emmaus, for

  • Wisdom Is a Woman

    If there is one idea that is synonymous with the Book of Proverbs it is wisdom. According to Proverbs, wisdom is something that should be sought, cultivated and taught. It is an aim in and of itself and also something that bestows great benefit to those who exercise it. It

  • The Gobsmacking Wisdom of the Book of Judges

    When you think of the biblical book of Judges what comes to mind? Perhaps some distant memory of a dreadlocked hulk, eyes gouged out, pulling down pillars because his girlfriend never really loved him? Might there be something about human sacrifice? Or, is it the people doing what is right