Tag: Question

  • By Way of Obstacles: Finitude in Question

    The question of “finitude as such,” as the point of departure of all research, including in theology, poses a problem, and has posed a problem since its first exposition in my earlier work. Everything happens as if rootedness in finitude renounced any request for the infinite. I have, however, indicated

  • The Question of Mimesis and Peter’s Denial

    For the first time in the history of theorizing about literature and art, certain traditional notions have lost their prestige. Mimesis is one. Our modern idea of esthetic creation as mimesis, as a process of imitation, goes back to Aristotle who really borrowed it from Plato, although in Plato esthetic

  • The Uniquely Human and the Question of Chimeras

    In the last ten years, scientists have placed various components of the human brain into animals of other species, producing mice with human brain cell grafts, rhesus macaques with a key human neurodevelopmental gene MCPH1, and most recently cynomolgus monkey embryos with human stem cells inserted into them. The mice with