Tag: Isaiah

  • July 8 | Isaiah Asked to do the Impossible

    Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 5:1-10; 6:1-13; 7:13-14 Assign someone in your family with an “impossible” task.  Tell them they are responsible for accomplishing this task even though you know – and they know- the task is impossible.  (For example, ask one of your kids to physically move your car without

  • Isaiah 25:1-5

    ​3Therefore strong peoples will glorify you; cities of ruthless nations will fear you. 4For you have been a refuge to the poor, a refuge to the needy in their distress, a shelter from the rainstorm and a shade from the heat. Daily Bible Verse

  • Isaiah 29:17-24

    17Shall not Lebanon in a very little while become a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be regarded as a forest? 18On that day the deaf shall hear the words of a scroll, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see. 19The meek shall

  • Isaiah 33:17-22

    ​17Your eyes will see the king in his beauty; they will behold a land that stretches far away. 18Your mind will muse on the terror: "Where is the one who counted? Where is the one who weighed the tribute? Where is the one who counted the towers?" 19No longer will

  • Isaiah 43:8-13

    ​8Bring forth the people who are blind, yet have eyes, who are deaf, yet have ears! 9Let all the nations gather together, and let the peoples assemble. Who among them declared this, and foretold to us the former things? Daily Bible Verse

  • Isaiah 43:8-15

    ​8Bring forth the people who are blind, yet have eyes, who are deaf, yet have ears! 9Let all the nations gather together, and let the peoples assemble. Who among them declared this, and foretold to us the former things? Daily Bible Verse