Tag: Hunger

  • Hunger, Poverty, and the Eucharist

    What to give to the person who has everything? This is something sometimes asked in jest. The Queen of Sheba may have asked herself that question when she was preparing to leave Solomon’s Jerusalem. Had she visited him again later, though, she might have better gifted him a slap across

  • 2024 World Hunger Lent Study: Week 4

    The following is taken from the 2024 ELCA World Hunger Lent Study. The full resource can be ordered as a hardcopy or downloaded as a PDF in English or Spanish at the link here. Week 4 — Restoration ••• Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21   The first

  • 2024 World Hunger Lent Study: Week 3

    The following is taken from the 2024 ELCA World Hunger Lent Study. The full resource can be ordered as a hardcopy or downloaded as a PDF in English or Spanish at the link here. Week 3 — Crucifixion Exodus ••• Exodus 20:1-17 Psalm 19 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 John 2:13-22   “We

  • 2024 World Hunger Lent Study: Week 2

    The following is taken from the 2024 ELCA World Hunger Lent Study. The full resource can be ordered as a hardcopy or downloaded as a PDF in English or Spanish at the link here. Week 2 — Transfiguration ••• Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Psalm 22:23-31 Romans 4:13-25 Mark 8:31-38 or Mark

  • The Compelling Imagery of Hunger and Thirst

    A personal appeal from Publisher Scot Proctor: Please don’t scroll past this 10-second read. Meridian needs reader support each year to help us keep publishing. Will you join in helping? Click here to become a voluntary subscriber. Thank you! Editor’s Note: This article was first published on Meridian June 11, 2010, we are running it

  • New ELCA World Hunger Director!

      Join us in welcoming Haemin Lee, the new director of ELCA World Hunger, who will lead the amazing team working with ELCA World Hunger’s domestic and international grants! Welcome, Haemin! A Greeting from Haemin Lee Hi, my name is Haemin Lee, and I’m super excited to serve alongside you