Tag: Healing

  • Healing Ourselves Through Service to Others

    Shortly after my husband, John, and I arrived as Mission Leaders in the Santiago, Dominican Republic Mission, one of our missionaries let it be known that he was ready to go home.  He had just reached his one-year mark on his mission and insisted that since he had not done

  • Patterns in Stories of Lasting Healing From Depression

    The following first appeared on Public Square Magazine.  What can we learn from people who find sustainable healing from depression?  This has been a question burning under my fingernails ever since learning about a remarkable researcher named Kelly Turner. Dr. Kelly Turner noticed something usual in her early studies at the University

  • Grief and the Hope for Healing

    As some of you know, less than a month ago, my sweet 24-year-old son Henry fell to his death in a rock-climbing accident. I believe losing a child to death is, perhaps, the deepest pain we feel in life. This latest and greatest loss of my life is a chilling

  • Healing our Doctrinal Dyslexia

    Stained glass of John Wesley at the World Methodist Council Museum, formerly at Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. Photo by Steve Beard. In honor of the passing of our friend Dr. William J. Abraham, we are republishing an address he presented at the 1995 national gathering of the Confessing Movement Within