Tag: August

  • August 22 | God is Faithful

    Today’s Reading: Read Jeremiah 45; 46:1-9, 13-19, 27-28; Jeremiah 47; Jeremiah 48:1-3 Spend some time as a family talking about what it means to say, “God is faithful.” Look up the word “faithfulness” in a dictionary. What are some ways we have learned that God was faithful to His people? 

  • August 17 | Jerusalem Falls!

    Today’s Reading: Read Jeremiah 39:1-5; Psalm 74; Psalm 79 Parents, start off today’s time by asking your kids a question that you already know the answer to. (For instance, “What is 2+2?”) Have you ever asked a question that you already know the answer to? Sometimes we ask those questions

  • August 7 | Sad News

    Today’s Reading: Read Jeremiah 1; 2:1-19, 28, 37; 3:11-18; 4:1-2 Let’s have some fun with crafts today! Grab a paper plate and draw a happy face on one side and a sad face on the reverse side. Parents, give your kids some scenarios where they have to determine if what

  • Prep Now for August Advocacy Opportunities

    By Ryan Fonseca-Vega, ELCA Advocacy Intern August presents unique opportunities to bring our deep concerns as Christians about many things related to our planet and the beings that inhabit it to U.S. Congress in our own backyards. In-person and virtual meetings, as well as Town Halls, can be scheduled in