Sermon Notes | Episode 23 | Doug Jones

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Sermon Notes | Episode 23

As we continue our sermon series on Origins: The Beginnings of the Local Church, we dive into Acts 6 and discuss the importance of delegation and multiculturalism in leadership.

The passage in Acts 6 talks about the friction happening inside the church because some individuals feel like their group is not getting their share of the pie. The Hellenistic Greek speaking widows in particular were being neglected, and the apostles delegated the task of attending to them to the Church. This was not only a racial issue, but it also speaks to the importance of delegation as a leadership skill.

Leaders are not perfect, and it’s essential to understand one’s limitations to learn how to delegate tasks to others. In this passage, it’s evident that the apostles understood their role and unique position as eyewitnesses and leaders of the Church. They did not think serving tables was beneath them, but they understood their calling and role in preaching, teaching, prayer, and discipleship.

Delegation of tasks such as serving the widows gave more opportunities for people to serve and lead. The seven men chosen by the Church to attend to neglected widows were selected based on their good reputation, fullness of wisdom, and being filled with the Holy Spirit. This process identified leaders who were ready to serve and lead, and it also gave the apostles more time to focus on their specific calling.

The Church at Woodbine is a great example of how delegation and multiculturalism are vital in leadership. The church celebrates cultures and diversity by having flags of different countries represented, starting with the five countries where they had congregants or missionaries from.

As a multicultural church, The Church at Woodbine recognizes the importance of having leaders who can speak the heart language of those worshipping with them. For example, Noel was designated to serve Spanish speaking church members. They are mindful of how people from different backgrounds and languages will interpret the sermon and ensure everyone feels included and part of the family.

The Church at Woodbine also offers a Discover US, Discover You membership process that helps members identify their gifts, passions, and experiences to encourage them to use their skills and try new things. This process identifies leaders and empowers them to serve and lead in their respective areas of ministry effectively.

In conclusion, delegation is an essential leadership skill that is necessary for effective service and ministry. Woodbine Church is a great example of a multicultural church that recognizes the importance of delegation and leadership. In Acts Chapter 6, the apostles’ delegation of tasks not only solved a racial issue but also gave more opportunities for people to serve and lead. As we continue to serve and lead, let us remember to delegate tasks to others and empower leaders from different backgrounds and cultures.

The post Sermon Notes | Episode 23 | Doug Jones appeared first on Brentwood Baptist.

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