Saturday Lagniappe: ‘Nearly 300 ACNA clergy and a Texas diocese call for male-only priesthood’ And More

Nearly 300 ACNA clergy and a Texas diocese call for male-only priesthood
On June 6, the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth (ACNA) published a resolution calling for a moratorium on ordaining women.

This is a simmering issue in the Anglican Church in North America. What concerns me is that those opposed to women’s ordination are urging the denomination’s bishops to ignore its governing documents. The ACNA bishops have already shown a proclivity to do just that and to arrogate to themselves authority that these documents neither grant them or recognize as inherent in their office. The governing documents are essentially a contract between all the parties forming the ACNA and they are urging the bishops to do is unilaterally break the terms of the contract. Such action would tacitly dissolve the denomination.

As Ivory Coast Methodists depart UMC over LGBTQ+ issues, Africa’s other Methodists take stock
‘You don’t throw away the relationship of your sibling because you do not agree on an issue,’ said a former bishop in the autonomous Methodist Church in Kenya.

Also see: United Methodists in the Ivory Coast: One Vote, One Million Departures, Many Questions

Southern Baptists mull second vote to amend constitution to exclude women pastors
Three of the six candidates expected to be nominated for the SBC presidency favor the so-called ‘Law Amendment,’ and three do not.

Also see: The Law Amendment may not be the most important action taken at next week’s SBC annual meeting and A call for state AG investigations of sexual abuse in the SBC

Selina Hastings – The Meanings of Doing Much Good
George Whitefield and John Wesley are well known as the primary human instruments used of God to spark the great evangelical revival in eighteenth century England and Wales. Far fewer Christians today are familiar with Selina Hastings (1707-1791), the English noblewoman who played a key role in supporting and promoting that same revival.

Vetting Staff
There are at least six red flags to watch out for as you evaluate them as staff in terms of whether you can build around them for the future.

Surrendering to the Lordship of Christ
The Lordship of Christ is a concept that goes beyond just acknowledging Jesus as a historical figure or a wise leader. It’s about recognizing His divine authority and submitting to Him as the ultimate ruler of all creation—over all things at all times!

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Quitting Children’s MinistryIf you have served in children’s ministry for very long, there are days that you have considered quitting. But before you quit, whether it’s from a staff role or a volunteer role, there are some questions you need to ask yourself. Let’s look at 10 questions you should ask yourself before quitting children’s ministry.

Choosing a Curriculum: Don’t Go It Alone!
Choosing a curriculum can be tough! If you’re in any children’s ministry groups on social media, chances are you see this question often: What curriculum do you use? People want advice! There are so many options out there, and weighing the pros and cons of buying a curriculum, using a free option, or even writing your own can be daunting. This article will give you tools that will help you evaluate curriculum, plus give you recommendations from other children’s ministry directors.
Anglicans Ablaze

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