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  • Understanding the Synagogues of Jesus’ Day

    Cover image by Scot Facer Proctor.  In all four of the New Testament gospels, Jesus is represented as teaching in synagogues.  “He preached in their synagogues,” reports Mark 1:39, “throughout all Galilee.”  “I spake openly to the world,” Jesus says to Caiaphas according to John 18:20, “I ever taught in

  • Let’s Do Better

    By Rob Renfroe When it comes to how to handle our time together leading up to General Conference, we United Methodists need to do better. As those presently remaining in the UM Church research which option forward suits them best, our conversations seem to be led by persons who are

  • Colossians 1:9-14

    ​11May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully 12giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light. 13He has rescued

  • A Group Chat About Chat GPT-4

    Brett Robinson: Hello, world! The advent of ChatGPT (on its fourth iteration as of this week) and generative AI has introduced some vexing questions about the role of language in online environments. How do we know who’s “speaking?” A person or a machine? What do authorship and originality look like in

  • Index of the March 2023 Issue of Administration Matters

    Issue 86 of Administration Matters It’s tax season: Updated tax guides are now available through Portico. Portico Benefit Services provides ministers and congregations participating in the ELCA benefit program with no-cost access to annual tax guides. For ministers, Clergy Tax Return Preparation Guide by Richard R. Hammar gives special attention