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  • Sermon Notes | Episode 26 | Mike Glenn

    Subscribe Now    Navigating Transition: Knowing When It’s Time for a Leader to Move On Sermon Notes | Episode 26 On this episode of Sermon Notes, Mike Glenn discusses the importance of having a succession plan in place for leadership positions in organizations. He also discusses the upcoming Senior Pastor

  • Authority in the 20th Century

    I. The rise of fascist, communist and totalitarian movements and the development of the two totalitarian regimes, Stalin’s after 1929 and Hitler’s after 1938, took place against a background of a more or less general, more or less dramatic breakdown of all traditional authorities. Nowhere was this breakdown the direct

  • Kaleidoscope of Knowledge: The Mosaic of Faith and Reason

    This article first appeared on Public Square Magazine.  Alma 32, a chapter in the Book of Mormon, offers a profound exploration of faith, knowledge, and their relationship. However, the message of this chapter is often oversimplified, as readers isolate it from the historical context. Alma delivers his discourse on faith

  • United Methodist Disaffiliation Success Stories

    By John Lomperis Congregations who wish to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church (UMC) have a historic, rapidly expiring opportunity to keep their church buildings and parsonages. Despite the historic nature of this opportunity, proceeding with United Methodist disaffiliation can seem scary, even in conferences where the bishops have not effectively locked

  • John 20:11-20

    11But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb; 12and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at the head and the other at the feet. 13They said to her, "Woman, why

  • The Later Heidegger’s Apocalyptic Marcionism

    Christian thinkers continue to deal with Heidegger just as they continue to deal with Hegel. Just when both seem to be escaping our consciousness, they reemerge and trouble our intellectual conscience as to whether we have thought deeply enough and have fully understood how baleful the influence of Christianity has