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  • Hospitality: The Great Primordial Truth

    Sharing life in a human and Christian way does not require that the conditions of this act be conscious. Most of the time, they live implicitly in our good will—a will that is sustained, especially in difficult moments, by a reasoned explanation. Therefore, when the Gospel says, “Take heed, watch

  • Bounded Flexibility in Adjustments to Temple Ordinances

    This article is adapted from Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Freemasonry and the Origins of Latter-day Saints Temple Ordinances. Orem and Salt Lake City, UT: The Interpreter Foundation and Eborn Books, 2022. Available at Eborn Books, FAIR Bookstore, and other Latter-day Saint booksellers—and online at In the spring of 2019, my

  • February 19, 2023–Already?

    Brian Hiortdahl, Sacramento, CA Warm-up Question What activity or pursuit do you stick with even though it is difficult for you to do? Already Dr. Maya Angelou (1928-2014) was a celebrated poet, author, teacher, filmmaker, and civil rights activist, among other roles and accomplishments. When interviewed upon being awarded the

  • Deuteronomy 23:21—24:4, 10-15

    23:21If you make a vow to the LORD your God, do not postpone fulfilling it; for the LORD your God will surely require it of you, and you would incur guilt. 22But if you refrain from vowing, you will not incur guilt. 23Whatever your lips utter you must diligently perform,

  • Sermon Notes | Episode 18 | David Hannah

    Subscribe Now    We Don’t Believe In Prayer Sermon Notes | Episode 18 This week on the Sermon Notes podcast David Hannah, Campus and Teaching Pastor at The Church at Lockeland Springs joins Garrett Gregory and Amy-Jo Girardier to discuss his sermon on prayer from Acts 1 – and why

  • A New Adam and the Last Adam

    Noah was different. His world was different. According to the figures provided by Genesis 5, at the time when Noah’s father Lamech was born, his great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather was still alive, at 874 years of age—Adam. Seth, too, was alive. And so were Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, and Methuselah, all of