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  • The Themes I Saw Burning Brightly This General Conference

    Cover image via Church Newsroom.  I’m sure you’ll agree that it was another stellar General Conference weekend. The speakers shared personal, poignant, and unforgettable stories that helped illustrate the demands and joy of living a Christ-centered life. Each conference, though the speakers come from different nationalities and backgrounds, I always

  • Another Mainstream Misunderstanding

    Another Mainstream Misunderstanding By Thomas Lambrecht It is instructive to hear how others perceive what one is saying or doing. Having an alternative perspective often sharpens up the message and enables corrections to misunderstandings. Such is the case with the most recent Mainstream UMC newsletter. (Mainstream UMC is a self-identified

  • Judges 14:1-20

    1Once Samson went down to Timnah, and at Timnah he saw a Philistine woman. 2Then he came up, and told his father and mother, "I saw a Philistine woman at Timnah; now get her for me as my wife." 3But his father and mother said to him, "Is there not

  • The Afterlife of Coetzee’s Secular Commedia

    Nobel Prize-winning J.M. Coetzee’s new novel, The Pole, is an uneasy secularization of Dante’s love for Beatrice, his beatific muse. If Christopher Beha is correct and “the novelist . . . is a person for whom secularism presents a problem,” the disgrace and dis-ease Coetzee captures so gracefully put him

  • George Washington’s Constitutional Leadership

    Historically literate Americans to identify James Madison as “the father of the Constitution.” Not so. Much as I admire Madison, the real father of the Constitution—the man without whom it could never have been framed, ratified, or implemented—was George Washington. Washington saw the need for a strong, national constitution before

  • Contrasting Views of Scripture

    Contrasting Views of Scripture By Thomas Lambrecht The essence of the conflict currently roiling The United Methodist Church is a disagreement over the teaching and authority of Scripture. This disagreement is manifested in the church’s attitude toward same-sex romantic relationships. But the reason that traditionalists are unwilling to compromise on