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  • Initial Thoughts At The End Of Conference

    To read more from Daniel, visit his blog: Sic Et Non.  Like many of you, I expect, I was powerfully struck by the remarks of President Jeffrey R. Holland in the Saturday morning session of the just completed General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  And,

  • Is a New Disaffiliation Pathway Needed?

      Is a New Disaffiliation Pathway Needed? By Thomas Lambrecht Recently, several articles have come out saying that there are already disaffiliation pathways for annual conferences and local churches, so new pathways do not need to be enacted by the 2024 General Conference. For example, Christine Schneider, a reserve delegate

  • African Delegates’ Urgent Requests Unanswered

    African Delegates’ Urgent Requests Unanswered By Thomas Lambrecht We are less than six weeks from the opening session of the 2024 United Methodist General Conference. That is why it is troubling that African delegates continue to be beset with delayed responses from the staff running our UM General Conference and are

  • April 4 | Saul Disobeys

    Today’s Reading: Read I Samuel 16; I Samuel 18:6-9; Psalm 59 Have you ever made a bad decision?  It happens, doesn’t it?  The Israelites found out that their decision to make Saul king was not the right decision!  Saul was king for 42 years.  In that time, Saul often made

  • Against Harmonization in Biblical Interpretation

    Careful readers of Scripture committed to its truth as an article of faith often face challenges when its details stand in tension and even contradiction. Examples are easy to produce: Was the Passover celebrated on Thursday evening prior to our Lord’s crucifixion (as asserted by the Synoptic Gospels) or on

  • Tolkien’s Erotic Lent

    The word “hackneyed” only begins to approach our habit of yoking John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (or better, his The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy) to Lent. Both, some have remarked, represent a journey. His Middle Earth (and here the absent middle is Middle English itself) mirrors our