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  • April Update: Advocacy Connections

    from the ELCA advocacy office in Washington, D.C. – the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, Senior Director Partial expanded content from Advocacy Connections: April 2024 HUNGER IN THE FARM BILL | PARTICULATE MATTER EMISSIONS STANDARDS | PEPFAR EXTENDED FOR JUST ONE YEAR | CALLS FOR BILATERAL CEASEFIRE INCREASE | APPROPRIATIONS BILL

  • April 29 | God’s Covenant with David

    Today’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 7; I Chronicles 17; Psalm 127:1; Psalm 1 Grab some Legos or Lincoln Logs.  Work together to build a house.  Ask, “Did you know that “make a house” can have more than one meaning?  What else do you think it could mean? In our reading

  • Research and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition

    The “Catholic Intellectual Tradition” is a concept often invoked to help characterize the warrant for a conversation staged between the sciences and the humanities, where the latter include philosophy and, of course, theology—even if theology is not strictly speaking a discipline of the humanities but a sacred science, a “sacra

  • Whistling in the Dark

    Here’s the story behind the story of the tense, inspiring and compelling new film, Escape from Germany, by TC Christensen, which tells of the Latter-day Saint missionaries who escaped from Germany just hours before World War II erupted. The story was originally researched by Terry Bohle Montague, who spent many

  • In Regard to the Dakotas-Minnesota alteration

    In Regard to the Dakotas-Minnesota alteration April 19, 2024 It has come to our attention that an anonymous person went on the Dakotas UM Annual Conference website and changed an official document to contain alleged misinformation and divisive rhetoric. (Although we have made a request to Bishop Lanette Plambeck’s office

  • April 28, 2024-Growing and Bearing

    Moriah Reichert, Bloomington, IN Warm-up Question Have you seen little kids trying to do grown up things? Does your family have any stories of you trying to do something before you understood what you were doing? Before We Understand When we’re little, we often try to model our siblings, parents,

  • April 24 | TOGETHER

    Today’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 5:1-10; I Chronicles 11:3; I Chronicles 12:38-40; Psalm 133 It was finally time!  ALL of Israel decided it was time to anoint David as King.  David became the King of Israel.  The Israelites said, “The Lord also said to you, ‘You will shepherd my people,