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  • Prayer ventures: Nov. 22

    Every day, Living Lutheran offers a prayer from the ELCA resource Prayer ventures, which can be downloaded here. These daily petitions are offered as a guide for your own prayer life as together we pray for the needs of the world and give thanks for the ministries of our church. Monday,

  • Lectionary blog: Beginning in the middle

    Lectionary blog for Nov 28, 2021 First Sunday of Advent Jeremiah 33:14-16, Psalm 25 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13; Luke 21:25-36 Advent is the start of the liturgical year, but in many ways, it feels like anything but the beginning. We look forward to Christmas. At least in the States, you are

  • Taanit 9

    Some people can’t get enough of traveling for business. They love traveling around the country, visiting new locales, seeing the sites, and sampling new cuisine, among other things. Others can’t bear the thought of sleeping anywhere but their own bed, preferring the comfort of home and all of its amenities.

  • Taanit 10

    Today’s page takes us through interesting and varied material, from a debate about the water cycle (with the conclusion that the rain is evaporated ocean water that has been “sweetened” in the clouds) to a discussion of when different communities begin to pray for rain (many weeks later in Babylonia , which

  • Saints of the Black Death

    Saintly Intercession and the Church Flight—while perhaps native to human beings in danger—ran contrary to the sacramental presence that the Church offered flesh and blood bodies. Church authorities in the Middle Ages were often critical of the flight instinct, urging men and women to stay close to home, to care for