Recent Posts

  • Prayer ventures: Feb. 18

    Every day, Living Lutheran offers a prayer from the ELCA resource Prayer ventures, which can be downloaded here. These daily petitions are offered as a guide for your own prayer life as together we pray for the needs of the world and give thanks for the ministries of our church. Friday,

  • What Does it Mean to Know God?: Abraham’s Greatest Test

    This article is adapted from the detailed verse-by-verse commentary on Genesis 21–23 available at the Interpreter Foundation website. Readers may also consult the commentary for the Book of Moses and Genesis at Bible Central or within the ScripturePlus app. See also “Abraham’s Hebron: Then and Now, part 5: Mamre,”. Among

  • Chagigah 12

    On today’s daf, the question is: Which came first? But the subject here is not the chicken or the egg. It is: heaven or earth? Beit Shammaisays: The heavens were created first and afterward the earth was created, as it is stated: “In the beginning God created the heaven and

  • What Did Jesus Teach? Forgiveness

    In the language of flowers paperwhite daffodils symbolize forgiveness I have found that many Christians as disciples of Jesus are not as well acquainted with his teaching and example as one would think that they might be. While it is tempting to blame pastors—“They are not teaching what Jesus taught

  • ELCA World Hunger’s Big Game Challenge 2022!

    It’s game time! The Big Game Challenge has kicked off, and our church is racing toward the goal of ending hunger! While you are cheering on your team and celebrating with family and friends— let’s help tackle hunger together! From kickoff to the final whistle, Team Cincinnati and Team Los Angeles will seek to

  • “Telling the truth is difficult”

    When Jeff Crim learned that the McMinn County School Board in Tennessee had voted to remove the acclaimed graphic novel Maus from its eighth-grade curriculum, he was, in a word, mad. Crim, pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church in Chattanooga, Tenn., phoned his friend Craig Lewis, rabbi of the neighboring Mizpah