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  • The Other Side and Back

    Cover image: “She will find what is lost,”©Brian T. Kershisnik, 2012. Used with permission. This life is a continuum from pre-mortal existence that transitions into the life here on earth, then life after this.  I want to share some poignant accounts people have shared with me concerning departed friends and

  • Eucharistic Affiliation and the Chimera of Control

    Last summer I participated in the McGrath Institute Summer Liturgy Series, “Will They Come Back After COVID?: Disaffiliation, Affiliation, and the Liturgy.” At the same time, I was teaching a course with Dr. Bronwen McShea called Reform, Renewal, and the Role of the Lay Faithful. One of the most important

  • Still loving what we cannot save

    The only time I tried to hurt my brother—who was older, stronger and didn’t try to hurt me back because it would have been too easy—was in high school when he was living with our dad and I was living with our mom and he didn’t show up for a

  • Chagigah 11

    For the rabbis, there is seemingly no higher value than learning. But is all learning encouraged? The famous mishnah on today’s page that opens the second chapter of Chagigah warns against the study of certain subjects: One may not study (dorshin) forbidden sexual relations with three nor the act of

  • Light from Neither the East nor the West

    The Paradox of Freedom The dialectical ills we last discussed cannot be cured overnight; and in the end only Christ can cure them, who alone grounds and fulfills the analogy of freedom, showing us how divine and human freedom go together, calling humanity to follow him in voluntary obedience. In