Recent Posts

  • The Political Theology of Recognition

    Our pursuit of justice is connected with the recovery of a mysticism, a spiritual training in the act of recognition. In its power to frame, to narrate a world in which we might live, language has effects. It was in hopes of changing certain effects by challenging a certain language

  • Single Moms: A Man is Not a Financial Plan

    “A man is not a financial plan.” Those words were spoken to me by a dating partner during my mid-single years. She was a beautiful, capable, and insightful woman with three minor children and a chronically depressed ex-husband with a poor work history who could not even support himself, let

  • A Love Story

    A Love Story By Bonnie McClure Can I tell you a love story? Lately, I’ve been thinking about different types of love. Culturally, we are trained quite extensively on familial love – the love we have for family, and romantic love – the love we have for a partner or

  • For what shall we pray?

    “For what shall we pray?” is a weekly post inviting individuals, groups, and congregations to lift up our world in prayer. This resource is prepared by a variety of leaders in the ELCA and includes prayer prompts, upcoming events and observances, and prayer suggestions from existing denominational worship materials. You

  • June 13 | Solomon Forgets

    Today’s Reading: Read I Kings 10; I Kings 11:1-6; 7-13; 29-39 Can you remember your favorite Christmas present from 3 years ago?  Think hard- it was the present you really wanted.  You were so excited to get it.  Did you remember it or forget it?  Sometimes it is easy to

  • War and (A Just) Peace in Ukraine

    Two years ago, in February 2022, we gathered here in this Basilica for the first time after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began for a moleben, a Byzantine-rite prayer service during which we pled for peace in Ukraine. I remember the church was filled to the last seat, and there