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  • Pro-Life Logic

      Photo Courtsey of Pixabay. By Thomas Lambrecht – Controversy is ramping up over abortion, as several states have passed more restrictive laws and some are contemplating the possibility that the Supreme Court might reverse the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. The proposed new Global Methodist Church is unequivocal in

  • “A soft place to fall”

    This past year has been incredibly difficult for Sylvia Havlish. Shortly after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, her husband of 49 years died. On top of that unimaginable loss, she received a cancer diagnosis shortly thereafter. Havlish—a decadeslong grief counselor who facilitates group sessions at Grace Lutheran Church in

  • Megillah 6

    In Pirkei Avot, a talmudic sage by the name of Ben Heh Heh taught: “According to the labor is the reward.” (5:23) You might think of this as the Jewish version of the well-known adage, “No pain, no gain.” But is Ben Heh Heh’s version of the teaching true? If

  • A Patristic Critique of Political Economy

    Eugene McCarraher writes in his The Enchantments of Mammon as if he has our harried last-minute Christmas shopping in mind: The grotesque ontology of scarcity and money, the tawdry humanism of acquisitiveness and conflict, the reduction of rationality to the mercenary principles of pecuniary reason—this ensemble of falsehoods that compromise the foundation