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  • Make Yourself a Wonder

    Back in the early 2010s, I used to volunteer my eyesight to a woman who was in her late 80s and increasingly experiencing blindness. During our sessions, she would often say things like, “I wonder how this medicine affects my eyesight,” or “I wonder how memory loss works.” I would

  • January 2, 2022–Alpine Angels of Grace

    Paul Baglyos, Baltimore, MD Warm-up Questions How many different meanings and uses of the word “grace” can you think of?  How many definitions of the word can you find online? Alpine Angels of Grace Seeking safety, refuge, and opportunities for a better life, people fleeing conflict and oppression in various

  • But Grace Said

    By B.J. Funk – Before leaving for a lengthy trip, I drove into the crowded gas station. All of the pumps were filled, so I pulled my car to be second in line. Our cars were facing, head-to-head, because my fuel tank was on the opposite side from hers. No