Recent Posts

  • Supporting a Spouse in Church Service

    My husband is serving as bishop/branch president for the third time.  The first time he was the bishop of a resident ward, the second time he was branch president of a YSA branch and he is currently the bishop of a Spanish-speaking ward that covers two stakes.  It has not

  • Scenes from a Street Car: Created to be Authentic

      Wednesday, July 17 – Created to Be Authentic Today, the spirit of authenticity radiated through the streets of New Orleans as colorful ELCA youth and their adult leaders energetically spread throughout the city.  Regions 1 and 3 gathered for Synod Day, marked by an exhilarating scavenger hunt where participants

  • July 18 | God wants to help us!

    Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 28:23-29; Isaiah 30:18-26 You’ll need a blindfold for today’s reading.  Choose a family member to blindfold.  Give the blindfolded family member verbal instructions that will move them from one point to another – safely!  One person in the family should be giving the right instructions.  Have

  • Created To Be Transformed

    Warm-up Questions Can you think of an experience that changed the direction of your life? If so, share that experience. If not, share what kind of experience might redirect your life. Created To Be This coming week, more than 18,000 people will gathering in New Orleans for the ELCA Youth

  • July 13 | Prophecy of What’s to Come

    Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 13:1-14, 19-22; 14:1-8, 12-19, 22; 24-27,28-31; 15:1,8,9; 16:4-5,13; 17:1-14 In our family, we often don’t watch the news because there is seldom any good news!  A news report tells us about something that has happened.  Imagine Isaiah is giving a news report for the nations of