Friday’s Catch: ‘The Discipleship Crisis” And More

The Discipleship Crisis
The discipleship crisis is not confined to the United Kingdom. It affects Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. It is present wherever people identify as Christians and even go to church but only subscribe to a few of the core beliefs of Christianity. It explains why the lives of many self-identfied Christans does not differ from their non-Christian neighbors.

Christian communities face growing political divide as religious affiliation declines
More than a quarter of Americans now claim no religious affiliation, a finding from the Pew Research Center. That makes the so-called “nones” the largest bloc of Americans. Judy Woodruff reports that for white Christians, the once-dominant group by far, there’s also been a growing political divide within communities as faith has receded. It’s for her latest installment of America at a Crossroads.

Churchgoers Believe Public Perception of Christians is Declining in the U.S.
Those who believe the public perception of Christians is worsening say responsibility belongs to both Christians and the rest of America.

C of E Conservatives May Form New Province
A group of Church of England evangelicals may form a third province for orthodox churches and clergy if General Synod allows a novel three-year trial process for stand-alone services for same-sex blessing.

Related article: Orthodox Anglicans set out their positions on Church of England’s same-sex blessing plans

PCUSA may add sexual orientation, gender identity to antidiscrimination policy
Presbyterian Church (USA) is considering a measure that, if approved, would add sexual orientation and gender identity to their antidiscrimination policy for people seeking ordination. Known as POL-01 or the “Olympia Overture” after the Presbytery that proposed it, the measure would amend the PC(USA) Book of Order to include gender identity and sexual orientation to the antidiscrimination statement found in F-1.0403.

Mixed Support for Communion Across Difference in Deputies
The House of Deputies on June 27 declined to appoint a new Communion Across Difference task force, after two task forces have worked since 2018 to foster “mutual flourishing” between supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage.Pr ogressive deputies also took aim at two other resolutions the task force sponsored, both of which had been approved by the House of Bishops. One resolution passed, while the other was defeated. A third resolution was approved by both houses on the consent agenda.

Avoid Being Wrong When You’re Right
If we’ve expressed a biblical truth without biblical love, we’ve missed the mark. Upholding Christ-honoring truth requires Christ-honoring communication. How we say what we say always matters.

How Can I Love People Even When They’re Wrong?
Paul told us in Romans 12:9 to “abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” But what happens when we disagree on what’s “evil” and what’s “good”?

Welcome the Questions and Keep the Faith
Dictators and demagogues demand unquestioning allegiance, and Jesus doesn’t fall into those categories. Jesus draws us to himself through our curiosity. If you’ve wrestled with big questions, you’re not bad. You’re not a threat to the Christian faith or the local church. You’re human….
Anglicans Ablaze

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