Category: Protestant

  • 40 Days of Giving 2023: Week 5

    Session 5 — Psalm 130 “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in [God’s] word I hope.” —Psalm 130:5 The 40 days of Lent are drawing to a close, and so, too, is our journey through the psalms. From the plaintive cries of Psalm 32 to the quiet

  • Index of the March 2023 Issue of Administration Matters

    Issue 86 of Administration Matters It’s tax season: Updated tax guides are now available through Portico. Portico Benefit Services provides ministers and congregations participating in the ELCA benefit program with no-cost access to annual tax guides. For ministers, Clergy Tax Return Preparation Guide by Richard R. Hammar gives special attention

  • Grants: Next Steps for Applicants

    Dear Friends in Christ, On behalf of myself and the Disability Ministries advisory team, I wanted to say “thank you!” to everyone who applied for one of our grants of up to $ 10,000. We were blown away by the response and interest of so many congregations, camps, and other

  • February 19, 2023–Already?

    Brian Hiortdahl, Sacramento, CA Warm-up Question What activity or pursuit do you stick with even though it is difficult for you to do? Already Dr. Maya Angelou (1928-2014) was a celebrated poet, author, teacher, filmmaker, and civil rights activist, among other roles and accomplishments. When interviewed upon being awarded the

  • Grant Update

    Hello Friends! I want to say a HUGE thank you to every person, congregation, and camp that has registered onto GrantMaker and started, even completed, their applications! With just a few weeks left, we currently have 20 applications that have been completed and submitted for review. Overall, the response has been

  • Index of the January 2023 Issue

    Issue 85 of Administration Matters Stories of Faith in Action We are pleased to share with you the latest version of “Stories of Faith in Action,” filled with inspiring stories from this past year. “Stories of Faith in Action” connects us as church and illustrates how, through your generosity, God