Category: Protestant

  • New ELCA World Hunger Director!

      Join us in welcoming Haemin Lee, the new director of ELCA World Hunger, who will lead the amazing team working with ELCA World Hunger’s domestic and international grants! Welcome, Haemin! A Greeting from Haemin Lee Hi, my name is Haemin Lee, and I’m super excited to serve alongside you

  • Guest post from David Atkinson…..

    No matter where one’s views fall on the spectrum of thoughts about immigration issues, members of our Lutheran faith family should be extraordinarily disturbed by the massive displacement of individuals and families across the globe.  Not only are countless lives tragically upended, and the health and welfare of adults, children,

  • ELCA Disability Grants 2023

    Congratulations to the five recipients of the ELCA Disability Ministries grants for 2023! We have invited each to offer a snapshot of the project their grant will be fun, ding. Thank you to all applicants! It is amazing to learn about all that is being done across our church for

  • Faith Lens on Summer Hiatus

    Faith Lens will not be published over the summer. But don’t worry, it will be back in the fall.   The next Faith Lens is scheduled to be posted on September 5, 2023 for Sunday, September 10. ELCA Blogs

  • May 14, 2023–What is Truth?

    Dave Delaney, Salem, VA Warm-up Question In a real pinch or in a moment of real difficulty, who do you know who is absolutely on your side, who 100% has your back no matter what? Do you know anyone who has nobody they can depend on? What is Truth? “Teens

  • April Update: Advocacy Connections

    from the ELCA advocacy office in Washington, D.C. – the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, Senior Director Partial expanded content from Advocacy Connections: April 2023 UN WATER CONFERENCE | COMMENTS ADD UP AGAINST ASYLUM RULE | GLOBAL FRAGILITY ACT | FAIR HOUSING | FAITH ORGANIZATIONS OPPOSE FAMILY DETENTION   UN WATER